Intervals within the 12 note chromatic scale.
We'll start on C because the C major scale has no sharps or flats but it's all relative as you will see. This is a prep for demonstrating how scales and chords are made.
1st/Unison C and C *
Minor 2nd C to Db
Major 2nd C to D
Minor 3rd C to Eb
Major 3rd C to E
Perfect 4th C to F
Augmented 4th C to F# (tritone)
Diminished 5th C to Gb (tritone)
Perfect 5th C to G
Minor 6th C to Ab
Major 6th C to A
Minor 7th C to Bb
Major 7th C to B
Octave/8ve C to C (12 notes above)
Diminished 1st/Unison C to Cb
Augmented 1st/Unison C to C#
Augmented 2nd C to B#
Augmented 3rd C to E#
Unison = stable
Minor 2nd = dissonant
Major 2nd = dissonant
Minor 3rd = consonant
Major 3rd = consonant
Perfect 4th = consonant
Aug 4th (tritone) = dissonant
Dim 5th (tritone) = dissonant
Perfect 5th = consonant/stable
Minor 6th = consonant
Major 6th = consonant
Minor 7th = dissonant
Major 7th = dissonant
Octave/8ve = stable
Dissonance in traditional music wants to resolve to a consonant interval or to a stable chord

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